Compas huisartsen- praktijk
Compas Huisartsenpraktijk Rengerslaan 2 8917 DD Leeuwarden

Newsletter Compas Huisartsenpraktijk

Your attention please for the deductible (annual “own risk” costs):

Unfortunately, we still have to deal with patients who are unpleasantly surprised by the fact that, in the case of blood tests by the laboratory, examination of tissue (pathology) and cultures of urine or stool (Certe), those costs are charged via the deductible. In principle, we mention this at every consultation.
We would therefore like to remind you once again that as soon as material leaves the general practice or there is consultation elsewhere, this will be at the expense of the deductible. This is determined by law. Each year you must first use up your deductible before your expenses are reimbursed by the health insurance company. The health insurer then advances the deductible first and then claims it again.

Choose the right physiotherapist!

We regularly see and refer people who have been to a physical therapist. What people often don’t know is that there are major differences between physical therapists (just like any other health care provider; one is not the other).
Persistent back pain is ideally a complaint for the physical therapist, who knows more about it than a general practitioner. For other long-term musculoskeletal complaints, it is a good idea to consult the family doctor first and only then possibly start physical therapy.

We are not advocates of ultrasound through the physical therapist. They find the images difficult to assess and, in our opinion, often make people worry unnecessarily. We prefer to do musculoskeletal ultrasounds ourselves, we have 2 skilled people within Compas for that.
If you need physical therapy, we can highly recommend the practices “TIGRA” and “Fysio 058”. These practices are knowledgeable, exercise-oriented, communicate well with patients and do not scare patients with incorrect diagnoses and poorly “read” ultrasounds.

Newsletter now also in English, Link for English

To reach all patients (also English-speaking) we are going to put the newsletter on our website also in English. The page “Newsletter” is always refreshed when we publish a new Newsletter.

Please respond if you are not a patient

Now that we have sent out 2 newsletters, we notice that our email file is not quite up to date. It includes people who have visited us as passers-by, but are not registered as patients in the practice. If that includes you, we would like to hear from you (mail to, and we will remove you from the email file. Thank you in advance.

Thank you for your patience. You can make your appointment as usual

We have had a difficult time as a practice. Of the 4 people on sick leave, 3 have almost or completely recovered and we have been able to hire 3 additional staff members (all 1 day per week). This makes it workable again to provide the care we stand for.
Many people waited after our call with less urgent complaints and this helped us tremendously. Our thanks for that!